Why Waste Time Trying to Find Contract Clauses That Might Not Even Protect You, When You Can Copy + Paste Mine
You probably finished reading 8 Things You Better Hope Your Contract Covers by now and may be looking to find the clauses that can beef of your legal protection in your contracts. That is why I am sharing 8 of my favorite contract clauses that I use for myself, clients, and in my contract templates.
Why wonder around the internet when you can copy and paste my work with slight modifications and increase your confidence that your contract protects you a little more.
Oh, I cannot skip reminding you, these are only 8 clauses. There are many more that are needed to beef up your legal protection, but these 8 are powerful and can save you thousands of dollars.
Some of the clauses cover:
Stopping clients who like to add-on services after the contract is signed
Avoid traveling to the other side of the country for a lawsuit and stay home instead
Secure the rights to use testimonials and their logos
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Shutdown any lawsuit and get the case dismissed when they violate this time term
Intellectual Property
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